My book review selection

I have selected Memes in digital culture by Limor Shifman (October, 2013) as my choice for the book review assignment.

I wanted something completely unlike anything I have read before, and my interest in young people’s culture and the role that digital social systems play in their self-identity and self-expression meant that this book caught my eye. I use hashtags all the time, mostly to provoke a (humorous?) response from the boys, but am completely clueless as to how they fit into the concept of memes. Do they even? I have a superficial understanding of this type of talk, and am extremely interested in digging deeper into this minefield of ‘shared cultural experience’ (blurb, 2013). #theyaresuchfun #suchanewbie #toldyoutowaitdidn’ti?

I am also curious about how to make such a seemingly frivolous topic relevant to education and the claim (blurb, 2013) that ‘Limor Shifman makes a compelling argument for taking (memes) seriously’ . The types of programs kids use (is snapchat still in favour?) change so rapidly, but the essence of sharing and alerting, mixing and melding remain a constant. I think memes might be one of those constants. I look forward to finding out more.

memes It’s winging its way over to me via Book Depo, so I am hopeful it will arrive this week.





Shifman, L. (2013). Memes in digital culture. Cambridge: MIT Press.