Review: The Extraordinaries by TJ Klune

The Extraordinaries by TJ Klune

Published by Tor Teen
Released on 14 July 2020
ISBN 9781250203656

Read 8 – 9 July 2020

Klune’s first foray into YA fiction is a bold exuberant celebration of all things queer and geeky. There is a big nod to lots of fun pop cultural elements: fan fiction and superheroes; but as well there is an intense emotional arc that, while swerving a little too close to sentimental, also reflects a strong sense of questioning identity for young people—am I good enough the way I am?

Nick is on a bunch of spectrums. He’s ADHD, a total geek boy, a totally gay geek boy, and the grief from his mother’s death hangs over him like a heavy cloud. His very supportive father is an adorable inclusion into the narrative as a person who tries hard to protect Nick, while giving him freedom, but also demanding more. Because Nick’s inability to filter himself, his reckless, impulsive side is sometimes a bit scary. It’s not that he’s thoughtless. His brain is just wired to ignore consequences and sometimes makes dangerous decisions that should scare most people.

Luckily, Nick is surrounded by loyal and straight-talking friends. Couple Jazz and Gibby tell him when he is taking things too far and follow him down erratic pathways. His best friend Seth has been missing in action over the summer, and now back at school, Nick is struggling to reconnect with this boy who has long been his secret crush (not helped by Nick writing a lot of slightly smutty fan fic about an Extraordinary called Shadow Star). Klune throws us straight into the middle of this complex relationship without giving all the backstory. He also includes Nick’s ex-boyfriend Owen, who is full of himself and incredibly hostile towards Seth. This dynamic is clearly more than what’s happening on page, and unfortunately for us, Nick’s oblivious narrative voice means we are constantly seeking out clues (which admittedly are dropped often), while he remains ignorant of what’s really going on with this pair of frenemies.

Nick puts himself at the centre of everything. This becomes tiresome, but since he is also very self-aware, he is able to keep readers on side, and our sympathy for him usually comes out ahead of our irritation at his antics and selfishness. But this is Klune very cleverly manipulating us and teasing us by incorporating the superhero elements of the story.

Look, I know I am a bit confusing. But that actually is the structure of the book. We are initially baffled by Nick’s obsession with Shadow Star. We can see Seth is right in front of Nick, and yet Nick lives in the clouds looking through a lens that is idealized and somewhat tainted. We keep reading because basically Klune is a very funny, geeky dude who constantly surprises with the jokes and the humanity and the affection he has for his characters.

And then everything starts to click, and the tension ramps up, and suddenly we are in the middle of a very suspenseful scenario and people could die people! So, we read on, worried for everyone, but especially our earnest, impulsive ordinary guy who without powers, takes on a hero’s journey because he must save those he loves, and he does it all with wit and intelligence, and a tiny spark of what the #$*? It’s extraordinary (gah, she had to go there). The resolution is nicely wrapped up, most mysteries are explained, and of course there’s a HEA…

Then, because this is book one, Klune shoves one more twisty dark secret at us, and leaves us with our mouths open, eyes twitching, hearts racing, and our minds ticking. *Shakes fist at the sky* Damn you Klune and your cliff-hangers. But this might just be me. Ha.

Thanks to Netgalley and Tor Teen for advancing this to me oh so long ago before #coronavirus, and through a delay of publication. I hope it all goes well for this book. Recommended for teens who love their protagonists awkward and flawed, but who is all heart. The intense moments are powerful and authentic, and the story dances around a number of genres. It’s a celebration of life and love, and it looks like there will be more. The Extraordinaries finally comes out tomorrow.

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