Mystery Blogger Award


Thank you to Rachel from Scorpio Book Dreams for this surprising nomination in Okoto Enigma’s Mystery Blogging Award. To be honest, I forget there are people who read what I write. I prefer to pretend no one’s reading, so I don’t get caught up worrying about reactions.


  1. Put the award logo/image on your blog
  2. List the rules.
  3. Thank whoever nominated you and provide a link to their blog.
  4. Mention the creator of the award and provide a link as well
  5. Tell your readers 3 things about yourself
  6. You have to nominate 10 – 20 people
  7. Notify your nominees by commenting on their blog
  8. Ask your nominees any 5 questions of your choice; with one weird or funny question (specify)
  9. Share a link to your best post(s)

Three Thing About Me:

  1. My life has been in turmoil for the past two years, and I can’t see it returning to the way it was. And that’s okay. It’s moved on, in a different direction. I just wouldn’t mind a bit more certainty with work and money.
  2. I maintain eight separate email accounts. For no reason that makes any sense. *shrugs* It’s just the way it is
  3. I am about to become a Great-Aunt for the first time, and that’s pretty exciting.

Five questions answered:

1. What is your biggest bookworm confession?
 I read trashy romance novels on my kindle in between my YA. Hush now, don’t judge me.
2. What series do you re-read the most?
The Lumatere Chronicles by Melina Marchetta. I find myself revisiting them every couple of years. I know if I pick up Finnikin of the Rock, I won’t be able to NOT read the next two as well. It is an amazing series, full of flawed heroes and extraordinary circumstances. Highly recommended.
3. What fictional place would you most like to visit?
Maybe Cello in Jaclyn Moriarty’s The Colours of Madeleine series. But only if Elliot was with me to keep out of trouble when the weather changed.
4. What’s your favourite piece of bookish merchandise?
An ex-student gave me a perfect pair of owl bookends. I love them!
5. Which five authors (living or dead) would you invite to a dinner party?
Firstly, two of the most clever writers I know–Fiona Wood and Christine Bongers–so they can keep up with the intellectual conversation from my favourites of all time–Philip Pullman, Neil Gaiman and Alexander McCall Smith, while I sit and observe.


I am embarrassed to admit that I don’t spend time on too many other blogs. I am more likely reading reviews and recommendations through Instagram and Litsy. But these three people have excellent blogs that I do visit and read.

Clare @ofceilingwaxandotherthings
Elle @ellebiblio
Liz @lizderouet 

I will post to their timelines and see if they want to participate.

Here are my 5 questions:

  1. Why should people read more?
  2. How do you approach your book reviews?
  3. Are you a blurb reader? A cover judge? Or, read what’s trending? How do you select books?
  4. Can you see what the next big trend in YA might be?
  5. Is there a screen adaptation that lives up to its book origins?

My Best Post Ever? The most popular? Or I one I like the most? 

So I explored my stats (huh. Who knew there was so much to learn?) and discovered my most read review is this one. I love all of Julia Lawrinson’s books, and it makes me happy that she visits my blog and has a look at my reviews #squee. But I have had lots of people land on my Best of 2016 lists. Just the thought of trying to match those lists this year makes me squirm. Oh how fearless I was when I was younger (a year ago).

Thanks Rachel for asking me to do this. Sorry it took so long to get it up. I have been working on it for a while now.