Review: The Camino Club by Kevin Craig

The Camino Club by Kevin Craig

Published by Duet Books
Released on 6 October 2020 (In the US)
ISBN 9781945053979

Read 26 – 27 September 2020

This is a road trip of a different kind. We follow an eclectic group of teenagers — a little bit delinquent, a little bit neglected, and a lot in need of empathy  — across a section of the Camino Way, a route travelled by pilgrims, through Spain for many centuries. Researching this journey, I discovered that there are quite a few different routes a tourist can choose. Our young Canadians travel from Ponferrada to Santiago de Compostela, (see map below) walking many kilometres a day through amazing landscapes and historic villages, and not for fun, or as part of a school trip. These kids are strangers to each other before they begin what is basically a punishment as a consequence of their (relatively low-level) offenses. It was this or go into Juvenile detention. Not much choice, really, and for one of them, it’s actually on his bucket list!


Trent, the bucket list offender, is one of three narrative threads, and I think I enjoyed his feisty, no filter, unapologetic voice the most. As an out and proud gay young man, Trent has struggled, yet he remains vibrant and optimistic, and shows a generous big heart. The other two points of view are Diego, a Latino boy raised by his single mother and Abuela, and Shania (not Twain, thank you very much!) a hot headed angry young woman, mostly unlikeable at the start, who develops a crush on Diego, (which, you’ll be pleased to know, is returned).

There are three other teenagers on the pilgrimage – Claire, Manny and Greg – but we only view them through the eyes of the other kids. This means we don’t really get to know them as well. Right at the beginning, Manny and Diego joke about being like The Breakfast Club crowd (hence the pronouncement ‘The Camino Club’), and it is actually a little bit like that: They are a range of ethnicities, with different socio economic backgrounds (& crimes), but ultimately, it is the ways in which they are similar that paves the way to find common ground and bond.

The Camino Clubbers are supervised by Gilbert and Meagan, a pair of counsellors, who keep them on the path (literally), but who are also there as guides and mentors. I can understand the role they are meant to play, but I was disappointed that readers are not given more of these interactions on the page. We are told that the eight of them will assemble at least once a day to share their experiences, unburden their troubles, presumably to develop a group bond. But the focus on encounters between two or three of the group at any one time means that a lot of their individual growth happens through these smaller dialogues, with the group bond developing almost incidentally. Craig also introduces a character called Bastien, an old man who joins them and acts as a parental figure, and while he is genuine, warm-hearted and responsible for many of my tears, I think he diminishes the roles of Gil and Meagan.

I enjoyed walking along these trails with these troubled teenagers. It becomes clear that they have had tough lives, through absent or narrow-minded parents, and through bullying and societal expectations. While it takes them a while (some more than others. I am looking at you Greg!) to face their actions and take responsibility, it’s also hard to imagine that such a trip wouldn’t have a profound effect. The community of pilgrims is tangible, and the demonstration of kindness and inclusivity is palpable, so their eyes are opened up to a world that’s bigger than themselves. They see their behaviours as they are: selfish and reckless, and are challenged to be better. They know now that there are others who have their back. This little group is strong and by the end of the book, we understand they will be okay, especially if they continue to support each other through difficult times.

Thanks to Duet Books and Netgalley for the advanced copy. I have not been lucky enough to journey along the Camino Way, so I loved living vicariously through Trent, Diego and Shania. Recommended for readers who love their protagonists damaged but not broken, who are interested in seeing new places, and who love snarky sometimes shouty conversation. I haven’t mentioned it, but there is also grief here, but the healing is strong with the growth of characters an important part of the story.

Review: Infinity Son (Infinity Cycle #1) by Adam Silvera

Infinity Son by Adam Silvera

Published by Simon & Schuster
Released on 14 January 2020
ISBN 9781471191565

Read 9 – 10 January 2020

Adam Silvera has built a strong following of fans due to his diverse characters and strong writing. His gay boys express feelings, have genuine, complicated lives, and his plots are original. So far, they have all been situated in contemporary settings, although the magic realism aspects of They Both Die at the End should have clued us into his interest in writing a broader range of genres.

There is no doubt that Infinity Son is fantasy, superhero and magical. Readers are dropped straight into this alternate world and have to do the hard work figuring out the rules and the state of the nation (hint: it’s not good). There are many elements that will be familiar – social media platforms are integral, as are the boroughs of New York, and the political manipulation of the public to allow those in power to retain and increase their control.

However, once terms like, ‘celestials’, ‘spectres’ and ‘The Blackout’ are thrown around, we quickly realise we aren’t in Kansas anymore, Dorothy! Silvera has created a world where some people come into their powers, usually because of a genetic family line, and manifest in recognisable ways—telekinesis, flight or healing—but they can also be in the form of magical creatures’ powers—hydras, phoenixes, or dragons—and the range of ability and power is explored with great detail.

But of course humans once again prove we can’t have nice things because ordinary jealous people decide to experiment with actual magical creatures’ blood and create the ability to become powerful through consuming these ingredients, and the world is divided between those who believe it’s okay to kill these beautiful beings for human desires, and those that don’t.

Emil and Brighton, twin brothers, very different, both longed for powers when they were young, but now, turning 18, it’s only Brighton who still wishes and believes they will manifest. Emil just wants to survive a world that is increasingly violent and uncertain. He observes the disintegrating society with disquiet and fear, while Brighton uses every opportunity of chaos to build his social media influence. Silvera sneakily comments on our growing addiction to everything virtual, and it’s not a pleasant reflection on us at all.

The narrative drive develops quickly and we have barely come to come up for air, as Email and Brighton are continually pushed to their limits, and most telling of all, the growing divide between their reaction to the events that consume them. It transpires that they look at the world through completely different lenses, and it’s also very clear that they do have each other’s backs and continue to rally for each other, even when everything descends into even more madness.

The concluding chapters are very thrilling and not everyone is safe. Another aspect to this novel is the large number of secondary characters who become important and all have their own personalities and agendas. This means it’s difficult to tell who we should be cheering for, and who will live, but this also serves to create a real community who may or may not survive. If we invest in these people, we might find ourselves not very happy at all. Be warned, the cliff hanger ending will infuriate. I don’t know why I believed this was a duology, but it’s not. There will be (at least?) three books.

Thanks to Netgalley and Simon & Schuster for the advanced copy. I found it compelling, but also a bit confusing. Everything happens quickly, and I kept hoping for more downtime to reflect on events and wanted them to have more time to plan. But alas, not to be. Also, the romance elements are small, but of course, who has time to fall in love with the fate of the whole world nearing crisis point. Recommended for readers who love LGBTQIA characters fitting into the world order, and who can help save the world. There are a lot of magical and mystical elements and gorgeous creatures who need rescuing. The brothers’ love for each other is highly visible, but that also foreshadows a darker conclusion that will be spotted by keen speculators. Infinity Son is due out today.

Review: A Curse so Dark and Lonely

A Curse so Dark and Lonely by Brigid Kemmerer

Published by Bloomsbury Publishing
Released on January 29 (US) February 4 (Australia)
ISBN 9781681195094

Read December 28 2018


For a long while, I thought the title of this book was A Curse so Dark and Lovely, which of course, no. But really the word ‘lovely’ brings a sort of truth to Rhen’s situation. If not for the curse, he would never have become the man he is by the time he meets Harper. The curse is terrible for the kingdom and even worse for Rhen’s family, but for Rhen himself, it saves him. There’s a sense of loveliness about that, but truly, it’s more lonely (than lovely) for Rhen—so actually A Curse so Dark and Lonely is the perfect title.

While this novel follows some of the features of Beauty and the Beast, in other ways it is updated and quite different. Rhen has cursed the whole kingdom, Emberfall, with his arrogant and privileged behaviour (not to mention reckless and thoughtless) and part of that involves turning into the monster, who without realising, kills and destroys without discrimination. The castle is enchanted, music plays, food always available, in which time moves differently. Outside the perimeter of the castle grounds, Emberfall is suffering, vulnerable to outside forces waiting and wanting to conquer it.

Rhen’s only companion is Grey, commander of the guard, sworn swordsman and accomplice in playing out the never ending cycle of the curse. This relationship is a very strong element of the story, with Grey forming a very crucial part of the triad. His sacrifices are many and his guilt strong.

Harper, our romantic lead, one half of the narrative, hero and saviour (of Rhen, Emberfall and Grey) is a thoroughly modern girl (I wanted to say ‘Millie’, but that dates me soo bad). She isn’t Grey’s choice to be the next attempt to break the curse. She fights Grey off his choice—an inebriated partly unconscious girl—and ends up in Emberfall by accident. Snarky, fierce and completely proactive, she disarms both boys in different ways, and the tussle for understanding and communication is a delightful component of the narrative. Harper’s background is grounded and authentic, and she’s possibly the only way forward for Emberfall. Watching her not only accept the role she has to play, but also developing respect and concern for both Rhen and Grey makes A Curse So Dark and Lonely a worthwhile and satisfying read. Knowing Kemmerer is already working on book two means the cliff-hanger is almost bearable.

Rhen is the heart of the story (Grey is the strength, Harper is the spark). He is tortured (quite literally as well) and damaged, unable to forgive himself, both as a royal prince and as the monster. His regrets are many, his accomplishments few. Harper forces him to confront the reality of his situation and demands he does something to help his people. One of his strengths, his ability to strategise, allows a plan to formulate, and with that comes hope, a very dangerous emotion.

There are several secondary characters, including Freya, Zo and Harper’s brother Jake, who round out a strong amazingly created cast. Their loyalty to Harper, and their own determination to save Emberfall means that ultimately the three main protagonists have others to help and support them. The climax is suspenseful and suitably dramatic, and the epilogue is, as mentioned before, appropriately open ended.

I haven’t mentioned Harper’s cerebral palsy. So beautifully integrated, Harper constantly stresses that it’s not a disability, it’s just part of her. When Grey teaches her to defend herself, she merely finds way to compensate, and the respect she garners shows how important self-confidence and strength of will can be. There are other inclusive additions, including a strong same sex relationship, which shows Kemmerer’s understanding of what current novels require.

I very much enjoyed immersing myself in this wonderful combination of fantasy land and contemporary storytelling. Kemmerer is one of the best young adult authors currently writing male leads—flawed, yet finding ways to be better, and romantic without being skeezy or fake. Her ability to present friendships between (straight) males promotes positive bonding and excellent role modelling. I would love to see this given to boys because while the cover might be off-putting, this is not an overly romantic, or girly story. Harper fights her attraction, there is very little kissing, and the action is strong and exciting.

Thanks to publishers, Bloomsbury and Netgalley for advanced copy. Highly recommended for readers who love early Sarah J Maas, series by Alwyn Hamilton and Sabaa Tahir, the Rephaim series by Paula Weston. Due out everywhere this coming week.

Review: Two Middle Fiction Books (but are they?)

Lenny’s Book of Everything by Karen Foxlee

Published by Allen & Unwin
ISBN 9781760528706
Released on October 26 2018

Read October 8-12 2018

The Slightly Alarming Tale of the Whispering Wars by Jaclyn Moriarty

Published by Allen & Unwin
ISBN 9781760297183
Released on October 26 2018

Read August 23 – October 10 2018

Both of these books will be marketed at young readers, anywhere between 10 and 14 years. They are very different in style, subject matter, and purpose, but they have one thing in common  – The complexity of those above elements in each, mean that they can be enjoyed by much older readers. Foxlee and Moriarty use language in extraordinary ways, they don’t pander to a preconceived idea of how books should treat children, and they certainly don’t mess around with telling some harsh truths about living and dying. These two novels deserve a wide and deep audience.

The Slightly Alarming Tale of the Whispering Wars is a prequel (of sorts) to The Extremely Inconvenient Adventures of Bronte Mettlestone. The same charm is evident, the same quirky humour, and it overflows with adventures, asides, and development of character. The start takes us to a different part of the Kingdoms and Empires world, and the gradual reveal of how it links to Bronte’s story is worth every minute. The story of the competitiveness between the two groups of children, and their subsequent banding together despite their differences, reflects Moriarty’s understanding of young people and the way they interact and navigate relationships. Finlay, Honey Bee, Glim, Victor, Taya, Eli and Hamish all require acknowledgement as each plays a pivotal role in discovering the mystery at the heart of the whispering wars. This is a twisty tale, and children will be caught up in the puzzles, the clues and the surprises.

However, The Slightly Alarming Tale of the Whispering Wars is so much more than a child’s fantasy, much in the same way as Philip Pullman’s His Dark Materials series is. Moriarty includes commentary and explanation along the way that is often mature and oh so relevant. We grapple with the injustices against people overwhelmed by poverty. We experience frustration at the wasted layers of bureaucracy and mediocrity. There’s also the crucial question to ponder: why are children always stolen away? This means that we, as adults, meet this story on a number of other ostensibly deeper layers, and are enriched and enlightened as well as entertained and moved.

Lenny’s Book of Everything is set in 1970’s Ohio, which might seem strange for an author who lives in Queensland. However, its time period, geographic location and creation of characters are all pitched perfectly. Cindy, mother of Lenore and David, is a force with which to be reckoned. She is all lioness, protective, growling and under estimated. Her fight for dominance with Burrell’s General Sales Manager Martha Brent, is a battle for the ages, and the lines drawn in the sand reflect the growing struggle for Davey’s life. Ultimately everyone unites for the same cause–and the emotional power is sustained and lingering on the reader.

Lenny our narrator is an authentic child. She radiates with anger about their useless ineffectual father, while she mourns his absence. She keeps Davey safe, at the same time resenting the attention everyone pours over him. She refuses to let go of her dreams to be an entomologist, and never wavers in her dislike for Mr King or her belief in Mrs Gasper. Her encounters with Mrs E Spink and the insights she gains through that misadventure, show her growing into a compassionate and kind individual. This really is Lenny’s book, and the heartache surrounding Davey is filtered through the lens of her optimism and faith in the world. Just like Scout, Holden and Ponyboy, Lenny is a character who represents her time, and whose view of the world is one to admire and revisit. Foxlee’s writing is sublime. Lenny’s Book of Everything is a story that will be enjoyed by adults as well as young people. The same is true of The Slightly Alarming Tale of the Whispering Wars.

Seek them out.


Review: Far From the Tree by Robyn Benway

Far From the Tree by Robyn Benway

Published by: HarperTeen (US) Simon & Schuster (AUS)
ISBN: 9781471164330
Released: January 2018

Read: December 10 2017

Robyn Benway’s latest novel, released at the end of last year in the US, was announced as the 2017 National Book Award winner, and it’s a very worthy choice. It has arrived here in Australia in paperback with an adorable cover that is yet again impossible to sell to boys. I realise a story about adopted siblings might appeal more to females of course, so why should they even bother with a gender neutral cover? But it’s a story about belonging, and finding yourself, and this is something in which all teenagers can invest and engage. Oldest sibling, Joaquin is authentically depicted—foster homes upbringing, trust issues, unable to bring himself to believe he deserves a happy home life—is a character who would be easily identifiable by any male teen reader.

Each sibling narrates the story: Joachim, middle child Grace, and youngest Maya. It’s told with thoughtful consideration, and is an emotional book that rings with authenticity. While the two girls were adopted, Joachim wasn’t, and this contrast in their upbringing is only one aspect of their lives that is explored with sensitivity and dignity. Grace’s pregnancy and Maya’s crumbling family situation allow these characters to be seen as flawed, yet trying to be better. The parents and carers of these children are also doing their best, and are presented, in turn, as supportive, confused and some times, apologetic about their actions. It’s all very real.

The best person for me though, is Rafe. Honest, generous and funny. His support and care for Grace is admirable, and could show boys how they should treat the girls in their life.  I highly recommend this family drama for readers who prefer little romance, who like their contemporaries challenging and thoughtful, and who want closure (yes, it’s nicely tied up pretty conveniently).

Lists: Best of 2017: Voices


There were some distinct and pleasing voices this year, as well as the familiar and the unusual. Once and For All (June, Viking Books) is a comfortable voice for Sarah Dessen fans. She delivers in the best way possible, and Louna is a girl of her times. Her home life is unique, her lost love a tragedy, and her new one a blessing. My review is linked to the title. I will continue to read anything this author writes.

Other books here that I reviewed include Dress Codes for Small Towns by Courtney Stevens (August, HarperTeen), and Letters to the Lost by Brigid Kemmerer (April, Bloomsbury). Both Billie and Juliet live boldly with a strong sense of identity. When these are shaken, they learn to reach out to people, and ultimately accept changes with courage and love.

Girls Can’t Hit by E S Easton (July, Hot Key Books) has a humorous voiced narrator – snarky and over the top. It’s a delicious read. Here’s my RSO review.

This is a joyous and over-the-top celebration of girl power. While the main objective is to amuse and entertain, readers are also offered positive messages about feminism, and the choices girls can make to control the way they are perceived and treated. Easton manages to straddle that line between lecturing to his readers and letting them make up their own minds.

Fleur is a laid back narrator who is happy with her safe small world. Her best friends, Blossom and Pip are loyal and familiar. Blossom’s social justice campaigns and Pip’s cautious driving and other social awkwardness provide a lot of the humour, as do Fleur’s hilarious parents. But it’s Fleur growing need to step away from her comfort zone that is at the heart of the story.

Usually on Saturdays, the trio pretend to be Saxons at Battle, the place where the Battle of Hastings took place (in 1066), and Fleur’s decision to take up boxing interferes with their weekly routine. Again, Easton plays a lot of this for laughs, but at the same time, he sensitively explores Pip’s anxiety and Blossom’s confusion at the ways in which Fleur is changing—her interest in women boxers, watching the Rocky movies, and her determination to get fit. As well, Fleur starts to understand her mother’s protectiveness, as she bonds more with her father. It’s a story of friendship and family, although there is a small romantic storyline too.

A delightful read with powerful and positive representations, Girls Can’t Hit is sure to engage your middle school readers who appreciate humour in their fiction.

Stargazing for Beginners by Jenny McLachlan (June, Bloomsbury) also plays for laughs, but this narrator is more nerdy. Meg’s obsession with becoming an astronaut makes her a prime candidate for mockery and bullying, yet her determination and resilience offers a really strong role model for readers. Her journey through the novel from outsider to acceptance is well plotted. Her growing self-confidence and awareness is a joy to watch.

The Other F-Word by Natasha Friend (May, Farrar, Straus & Giroux Inc.) was a complete surprise and the voices here are many and varied. These teens find each other online and their emails, messaging and virtual connections are seamless and insightful. They must decide on some very tough choices, and while they consider the impact of meeting their biological father, they also support each other with side issues. It’s really authentic and interesting, and completely off topic, I think adoption, surrogacy, and IVF might be a new trend in YA. Family comes in all shapes and sizes, and these types of novels help to build new representations which of course, is awesome.

And I am done. Thanks for reading. I will do a post about my much anticipated 2018 reads if I can make the time before New Year. Merry Christmas and best of reading to you.

Lists: Best of 2017 Diversity


I have gone for a different take on diversity this year. Last year I focused on representation of ethnicity, this year I have broadened the scope. There are many different marginalised voices that are being heard more often and more loudly. Of course, it’s a good thing.

I have always loved the inclusive elements of Maria V Synder’s fantasy novels and Dawn Study (January) is no exception. People can have power regardless of their race, gender or sexual orientation, and while magic can represent any of those minorities, it isn’t forced or heavy-handed here. Evil exists and our heroes want to ensure freedoms aren’t impinged. It might seem straight-forward, but it’s far from that. Politics and loyalty are entwined and the stories are exciting and entertaining.

Three books I reviewed for RSO also make it on to this list. Optimists Die First and Phantom Limbs both have an amputee, and Piglettes has a secondary character in a wheelchair, but it’s Mireille and her two friends, as girls trying to affirm their identity and build self-esteem as plus size characters, that are the embodiment of positive representation here. My short reviews are added below.

Optimists Die First by Susin Neilsen (April) Random House

No one does quirky, anxious teen quite like this author. While Petula is paranoid and aggressively antisocial, readers still cheer her on because it’s clear she’s suffering much pain and sorrow. Jacob comes across as the complete opposite – charming, loquacious and extraverted—yet he’s hiding secrets, and is damaged too. Together, they journey towards finding ways to live with their guilt, and the consequences of their actions.

There are significant minor characters, particularly those who are part of the art therapy classes Petula is forced to attend, and hates. Each of these teens must also face their fears. Nielsen presents serious topics here, including alcohol addiction, parental neglect, and grief. The YART classes are often hilarious and sobering both at the same time, which will challenge readers, and let them know that often healing happens when problems are shared. These teens mock the rhetoric of their somewhat inept therapist, but ultimately they bond and blossom despite (or because of?) her inadequacies. Optimists Die First  is aimed at older teens, and is insightful and life-affirming.

Phantom Limbs by Paula Garner (June) Walker Books

This intensely intimate portrayal of grief is authentic and honest. Three young people’s lives are traumatised due to death and disaster, and teenagers will welcome its gritty realism. Otis thinks about sex often, Dara is aggressive and unapproachable, and Meg is the missing cog. Because Otis narrates, we don’t truly know what’s going on with the two girls, but secrets and pain have a way of working their way out, and it’s unflinching and uncomfortable.

Amputees are more visible in YA fiction, and Dara’s portrayal is extremely aggressive. She demands much from the mellow Otis. While he’s thankful for his physique and fitness, he isn’t sure he’s all that interested in being a champion swimmer, but he’s too much of a softie to tell Dara (plus she’s scary). Otis is turned inside out when Meg comes back, and there are lessons to be learned by all three teenagers. It concludes most satisfactorily, allowing readers to believe it is possible to survive the worst that life can throw at you.

Piglettes by Simone Beauvais (August) Pushkin Books

Piglettes has been translated from French, and has a very distinct style and feel. Protagonist Mireille survives severe teasing and humiliation about her looks and weight with humour and sarcasm. Readers will take a few chapters to adjust to Mireille’s narrative voice. It’s light! It’s irreverent, and the way she elects to name people with pseudonyms that are almost like real people is confusing and wickedly funny. For example, she refers to the President of France as Barack Obamette, who just happens to be married to Mireille’s (absent) father, who she calls Klaus Von Strudel because he is half-German. She has no filter, no fear, and no expectations that anyone will ever treat her right.

Astrid and Mireille find second place winner, Hakima, and together, they plan a road-trip to Paris to overcome their demons. Hakima’s older brother, Kader, a amputee soldier accompanies them, and along they way they sell sausages, and develop a social media following as they make their way through villages and towns. Not everything goes to plan, thank goodness, because often it’s in the unexpected that we learn, we laugh and we live.

This is a joyous celebration of girl power, and a challenge to people who are judgemental and intolerant of others. We are swayed here by laughter and friendship. Mireille is generous, kind-hearted, and trying to live her best authentic life. Young people could do worse than spend time with her on this ridiculous and inspiring journey.

Defy the Stars by Claudia Grey (April) Hot Key Books

I didn’t write anything about this book, and yet its balance of big issues and thrilling adventure has stayed with me. Its diversity comes in several ways–the development of Abel from AI to real ‘person’, the clear representation of female heroes, and the exploration of refugees and the way they are treated and primarily discarded. It’s a different type of inclusiveness, but no less important or interesting.

The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas (April) Walker Books

Another one I wished I had taken the time to write a lengthy review. This has the unfortunate honour of being touted as ‘important’, and ‘mandatory reading’ which might have the reverse effect of turning people off. However, it is actually and thankfully very readable, and a really terrific story. Starr is an excellent narrator and her character arc of safely ignorant to ‘woke’ is plotted really well, and never comes across as heavy or dark. An African-American teenager witnessing the shooting of a friend by a police officer is a strong narrative, and it only gets stronger when we are introduced to Starr’s family, and the complications of race politics and inequality. It is important, but happily, it’s more than that. It’s a great story.

I have one more list to go before Christmas – the #voices best of list.


Lists: Best of 2017 Speculative Fiction


My definition of spec-fic covers fantasy, science fiction, dystopian fiction, magic paranormal, steampunk and super heroes. Cool huh? Most of these are covered in these six books, which are all excellent in their own right. Three are standalones, and three are the first in new series, although La Belle Savuage, as we all know, is a spin-off from the very popular His Dark Materials books.

I reviewed Daughter of the Pirate King (February) and Renegades (November) here on the blog just recently. I reviewed The Undercurrent (August) and What Goes Up (October) for RSO, and will add them here now:

The Undercurrent by Paula Weston Text Publishing

Weston’s characters are thoroughly Australian, from their friendly insults through to their strong heroic instincts. Main characters, Ryan and Jules capture our hearts and our sympathy because we see how much they are at the mercy of greedy corporations and corrupt government agencies. In a departure from standard YA novels, readers are also given viewpoints from two adults, and the book develops in an interesting and layered way. While for the most part this is a fast ride, an action-packed escapist adventure, it also asks important questions about the way money impacts negatively on basic essentials like food and safety. We are also challenged to think about the increase in privatisation, and imagine that happening to the military. The local setting is described clearly, and there are familiar place names that both Queenslanders and South Australians will recognise. The climax is tense and thrilling, and the conclusion will more than satisfy fans of Weston’s previous paranormal series. It will also bring in a new readership.

What Goes Up by Katie Kennedy Bloomsbury

This is a book of two halves—the first part set on Earth with our three heroes competing to be chosen to be part of NASA. With the likelihood of alien contact, or at worst, invasion, preparation for the future is crucial. Readers will enjoy pitting themselves against the candidates, considering how they might approach the challenges and puzzles experienced. Kennedy does an excellent job of including unpredictable results and consequences. It’s a series of sequences that are both intellectually stimulating, as well as physically exciting. As well we are asked to make ethical and moral choices, and this is where the book finds its heart.

The second part of the book sees our heroes now facing real danger, and all of the tests and theory must be put into practice. Space is not quite how others have imagined it, and we loved this fresh approach to the alien invasion trope. Kennedy places her characters into emotional upheaval, as well as the physical threats, and readers will find themselves drawn into more than just the action. They will also feel and question what it means to be a hero, and what makes us human. Strong storytelling.

Invictus by Ryan Graudin (October, Hachette) is a clever and controlled mash-up of about five tropes woven together – it’s a heist story, with a raggedy team of diverse genius misfits, who travel back in time to procure items just as they are about to vanish anyway. Stealing? Lord, no, of course not. It’s also snarky and contemporary as only sci fi can do well, with a mystery to solve via cryptic messages sent through time to help (or hinder), and at the core of it all, there’s a story of family, and lost love,  and finding out who you really are. I keep using these words–inventive, inclusive and one hell of a ride.

La Belle Savuage by Philip Pullman (October, David Fickling) Was possibly the most anticipated novel of the year. That’s certainly true for me. I went in with some trepidation, but fell back into the writing style and story with ease. I actually found it fast paced and quite moving. I loved Malcolm’s loyalty and steadiness. His immediate protective instinct towards six months old Lyra makes him the best person to keep her safe. It’s a tense mystery and hints at all the issues we see in Northern Lights. I absolutely loved being transported back into this world, and wish I had time to do more than just flick through the earlier texts, hunting for clues and characters.

That’s it for today. On Friday, I want to post my #diversity picks.


Lists: Best of 2017 LoveOzYA (more)


So now you know why I have been adding reviews up here randomly–so I can link to them without having to come up with something about a book I read months ago. I am very weepy that I never wrote more about The Secret Science of Magic (April) because it might almost be my favourite of the year, and I don’t have a copy to remind myself or reread passages. Yet I have strong memories of its authentic portrayal of anxiety, its diverse range of characters, plus a terrific representation of family, and of course, Joshua’s magic, optimism and final grand gesture. Everything about it worked for me.

I added reviews of The Things We Promise (March) and Take Three Girls (September) recently. I believe they will feature on many 2017 awards lists. They are powerful stories that invite readers to see the perspective of different people, and in doing so, encourages empathy and action.

I will add some words from reviews I wrote for RSO for the other three books.

Remind Me How it Ends by Gabrielle Tozer (March)

Gabrielle Tozer’s third novel presents Milo, small town slacker, one of the only kids in his year level to not escape to university. We meet him in the first chapter, visiting Sal, his high school girlfriend at a college party, and his bewildering sense of dislocation and separateness from her and her new friends is described perfectly.

This sets the scene for Milo’s search for a sense of belonging. It’s not in Durnan, middle of nowhere ACT, or at his parents’ bookshop where he works. It’s certainly not Sal, or his friends who have left him behind. Turns out it might be Layla, one time best friend, who arrives out of the blue, seemingly damaged, reliant on a deadbeat boyfriend, but who sparks something in Milo he can’t deny or resist.

This coming-of-age story is fresh and strong, and offers many layers beneath the banter, the banal world Milo wants to escape, and the bittersweet feelings of loss and longing. The ending is perfectly pitched, and provides an realistic and satisfying resolution.

Because of You by Pip Harry (August)

Tiny’s voice, aimless and full of longing, is distinct from Nora’s heart-broken and uncertain one. There is vulnerability for both of them, and the friendship and kinship that develops through their interactions is as hopeful as it is unexpected. Harry’s inclusive and diverse cast of minor characters carries a subtle message about stereotyping and judging others. The tone is warm and gentle, but the subject matter is harsh and uncomfortable. However, readers aren’t made to feel pity or guilt. Instead they are inspired by the way individuals rise to the challenge to help others, like Eddie, and cheer on the members of the creative writing group as they bravely confront their demons in a public forum full of strangers.

Harry has created a well plotted story combining a number of topical social issues with a strong coming-of-age journey. Do not let teen boys be put off by this cover. It’s relevant and important for all young adults about to step into the wide, sometimes uncaring world.

Gap Year in Ghost Town by Michael Pryor (August)

Anton’s snarky, laid-back voice is one of the best reasons to read this book–he is hilarious, self-aware and self-depreciating. The two female leads, Rani and Bec call him out when he is disparaging, but in ways that are clever and helpful. The trio are formidable when the action starts, but that takes time, actually, and the story is better for the steady build-up and foundation created by astute writing and an eye for detail. Pryor’s confident and witty wordplay will appeal to nerdy readers who are likely to geek out at the constant pop culture references and the humorous asides.

Anton’s indecision about his future is not overworked, and yet is a constant thread, making it just as much a coming-of-age story as it is a ghost busting action-packed fight against the forces of evil. Adults play significant roles, some helpful and some obstructive, adding depth and richness. I particularly love the character arc of Anton’s dad where he learns to navigate the wonders of 21st century technology.

It’s a genre novel that doesn’t pander or placate. It’s elegant, clever and charming.

On Sunday, I will post the obscurely titled ‘Names’ list.


Lists: Best of 2017 Mystery


Who Killed Christopher Goodman by Allan Wolf (July) The power in this book the wonderful Christopher Goodman. He comes alive on the page, and knowing he dies makes the story even more poignant. Despite it being a book about a murder, there are some light moments between the five narrators, and a nostalgic trip to 1970’s small town America. I really went through all the emotions with this one.

One of us is Lying by Karen M McManus (June) This Breakfast Club meets Cluedo is addictive and twisty. It’s full of secrets and lies, and every one of the suspects has motivation and means to be the murderer. But it’s also an interesting spin on mental health issues, and while it can be read as a straight mystery, it also allows for discussion about bullying, alienation, and the need for us of us to be kinder and more gentler to our peers.

This Mortal Coil by Emily Suvada (November) This is a fast-paced, action thriller with a mystery that is yet to be totally resolved. Set in a post-apocalyptic world where genetic enhancements are almost obligatory, our intrepid hero, Cat faces and overcomes some incredibly taxing obstacles which makes for an exciting ride. I admit I didn’t follow all the science-y talk, but that didn’t stop me from enjoying it immensely.

The Pearl Thief by Elizabeth Wein (May) I loved this a lot, and anyone who has read Code Name Verity will have to hunt this down. My long review is here.

Carve the Mark by Veronica Roth (January) I read this at the beginning of the year, about 200 books ago, but I can still remember the disparate worlds Roth creates – the contrasting ideologies, the differing character traits and physical appearance of the warring races and the dire consequence of these hostilities on the surrounding planets. It’s an ambitious book, but one that still manages to work at an intimate level, with our main characters fighting to maintain their integrity and save their family, at the time as questioning traditions and their place in their own society.

Genuine Fraud by e lockhart (September) Told in a reverse timeline, this book is complex and morally ambiguous. Jule is an unreliable yet sympathetic narrator. That we can’t help but want her to succeed, may challenge some readers. It’s clever, full of the big questions about privilege and power, and immersive. Best to go in to it utterly spoiler-free for maximum impact.

Next up will be my favourite Australian YA novels, posted next Wednesday.