Review: You Have a Match by Emma Lord

You Have a Match by Emma Lord

Published by: Wednesday Books
Released on: January 12 2021 (In the US), March (in AUS)
ISBN: 9781250237309

Read: 4 – 7 January 2021

This is Emma Lord’s second novel. I didn’t read Tweet Cute, but would often see positive and complementary reviews of it crossing my Goodreads updates.

You Have a Match didn’t disappoint. It is my favourite kind of contemporary young adult novel, with a complicated plot, interweaving many layers and themes, while still maintaining a witty romantic tone. The central focus sees main character Abby discover she has a secret full-blooded sister 18 months older. Adjacent to that is her seemingly unrequited crush on her best friend Leo, and a drop in her academic results, partly due to the grief of losing her grandfather, someone who saw her, and listened to her and encouraged her passion for photography.

When new sister Savannah appears as someone put together and totally in charge, Abby’s self-confidence dips even further. Her parents, usually too busy dealing with her three younger rambunctious brothers, have turned their focus on her grades, and she feels much pressure to excel, and its this stress and uncertainty about her future that prompts her to keep Savvy a secret a bit longer and head off on summer camp, pretending she is going to be studying for SATs when in reality, it’s a chance to try to explore her relationship with Savvy and the circumstances of their situation.

Look, there were times when Abby made poor choices of which I was not a fan. Camp brings with it many surprises, one of these being Leo, (a budding chef), and a chance to work on that friendship and hopefully develop it into something more. But of course, miscommunication is the key here, and they spend a lot of time not talking, which is a pity, but which also builds the tension. Another camper, Finn enables Abby’s impulsive tendencies and this in turn jeopardises Abby’s friendship with Savannah. As I say, it’s complicated and (my other favourite word) messy. There’s a lot more that could be said about other characters like Connie and Victoria, the wonders of social media, and the gorgeous dog, but I think I will leave you to discover them for yourselves.

The drama builds, as we speculate on Savvy’s adoption, secrets are revealed, and insights gained. I immersed myself completely in Abby’s voice and sympathized with her, while also holding her accountable for her actions. Towards the end, it becomes a lot more about their parents, which is definitely an important contribution to the story. There’s fun to be had while Abby discovers things about herself and how she relates to others, and I am pleased to report the resolutions are satisfying and tie up most loose ends nicely.

Thanks to Wednesday Books and Netgalley for an advanced copy. Highly recommended to fans of Emery Lord, Jenn Bennett and Sarah Dessen. It’s modern, twisty and inclusive. Savvy’s gay status doesn’t even raise an eyebrow. I am so glad Australia audiences will have easy access by March.

You Have a Match is available now in the US.

Review: Be Dazzled by Ryan La Sala

Be Dazzled by Ryan La Sala

Published by: Sourcebooks Fire

Released: 1st January 2021 (in the US)

ISBN: 9781492682691

Read: 25-26 December 2020

This second novel by Ryan La Sala is different from his first, Reverie, in many ways, but of course, in so many others, it’s familiar. The queerness is alive and well, and it’s great to see a range of orientations represented so positively. Luca’s bisexuality is a major part of the narrative, and it’s welcome in YA.

But as our narrator, Raffy controls what we see, and when we see it. Flashing back has become a real trope, and I have grown weary of it. However, in this story, it serves as a release valve. The events in Raffy’s present timeline start badly and continue to disastrous, so to return to the past where he and Luca lean into their attraction is a glimpse into a happier time. Not that La Sala explains every event and misadventure. No, he leaves spaces for us to ponder: what exactly does Luca see in Raffy? Sometimes it seems as if he’s mostly spending time because of Raffy’s hobbies and flair. Also, the situation that develops with Inaya lacks detail. There is a lot of room for readers to come to their own conclusions, which is the type of book I love to advocate. Too many of them spell everything out and leave teens with little chance to explore ideas and motivations for themselves.

There are many twists and turns in this world of cosplay and costume design. We are treated to absent AND overprotective parenting. Friendships seem constantly on the cusp of breaking down, and Raffy’s own mental state is a thing of concern. But the immersion into this increasingly more mainstream space is fully realized. I have little awareness of manga worlds, devotion to fictional characters through crafting, and the influence of Youtubers and Instagrammers, yet I experienced Raffy’s stress and triumph completely and satisfactorily. This is the power of the author’s writing and his own knowledge and acceptance of the people who inhabit and commit to these fantastical communities. They own their weird and quirky ways, and we are better for such celebrations and joy.

I received this uncorrected proof thanks to Netgalley and Sourcebooks Fire. Highly recommended to teens who enjoy being part of a tolerant and inclusive community. To those who appreciate that breaking up can sometimes be a good thing, and who cheer on the underestimated and underappreciated. Be Dazzled has a wonderfully appropriate cover and comes out (in the US) on New Year’s Day, 2021.

Review: The Camino Club by Kevin Craig

The Camino Club by Kevin Craig

Published by Duet Books
Released on 6 October 2020 (In the US)
ISBN 9781945053979

Read 26 – 27 September 2020

This is a road trip of a different kind. We follow an eclectic group of teenagers — a little bit delinquent, a little bit neglected, and a lot in need of empathy  — across a section of the Camino Way, a route travelled by pilgrims, through Spain for many centuries. Researching this journey, I discovered that there are quite a few different routes a tourist can choose. Our young Canadians travel from Ponferrada to Santiago de Compostela, (see map below) walking many kilometres a day through amazing landscapes and historic villages, and not for fun, or as part of a school trip. These kids are strangers to each other before they begin what is basically a punishment as a consequence of their (relatively low-level) offenses. It was this or go into Juvenile detention. Not much choice, really, and for one of them, it’s actually on his bucket list!


Trent, the bucket list offender, is one of three narrative threads, and I think I enjoyed his feisty, no filter, unapologetic voice the most. As an out and proud gay young man, Trent has struggled, yet he remains vibrant and optimistic, and shows a generous big heart. The other two points of view are Diego, a Latino boy raised by his single mother and Abuela, and Shania (not Twain, thank you very much!) a hot headed angry young woman, mostly unlikeable at the start, who develops a crush on Diego, (which, you’ll be pleased to know, is returned).

There are three other teenagers on the pilgrimage – Claire, Manny and Greg – but we only view them through the eyes of the other kids. This means we don’t really get to know them as well. Right at the beginning, Manny and Diego joke about being like The Breakfast Club crowd (hence the pronouncement ‘The Camino Club’), and it is actually a little bit like that: They are a range of ethnicities, with different socio economic backgrounds (& crimes), but ultimately, it is the ways in which they are similar that paves the way to find common ground and bond.

The Camino Clubbers are supervised by Gilbert and Meagan, a pair of counsellors, who keep them on the path (literally), but who are also there as guides and mentors. I can understand the role they are meant to play, but I was disappointed that readers are not given more of these interactions on the page. We are told that the eight of them will assemble at least once a day to share their experiences, unburden their troubles, presumably to develop a group bond. But the focus on encounters between two or three of the group at any one time means that a lot of their individual growth happens through these smaller dialogues, with the group bond developing almost incidentally. Craig also introduces a character called Bastien, an old man who joins them and acts as a parental figure, and while he is genuine, warm-hearted and responsible for many of my tears, I think he diminishes the roles of Gil and Meagan.

I enjoyed walking along these trails with these troubled teenagers. It becomes clear that they have had tough lives, through absent or narrow-minded parents, and through bullying and societal expectations. While it takes them a while (some more than others. I am looking at you Greg!) to face their actions and take responsibility, it’s also hard to imagine that such a trip wouldn’t have a profound effect. The community of pilgrims is tangible, and the demonstration of kindness and inclusivity is palpable, so their eyes are opened up to a world that’s bigger than themselves. They see their behaviours as they are: selfish and reckless, and are challenged to be better. They know now that there are others who have their back. This little group is strong and by the end of the book, we understand they will be okay, especially if they continue to support each other through difficult times.

Thanks to Duet Books and Netgalley for the advanced copy. I have not been lucky enough to journey along the Camino Way, so I loved living vicariously through Trent, Diego and Shania. Recommended for readers who love their protagonists damaged but not broken, who are interested in seeing new places, and who love snarky sometimes shouty conversation. I haven’t mentioned it, but there is also grief here, but the healing is strong with the growth of characters an important part of the story.

Review: The Mall by Megan McCafferty

The Mall by Megan McCafferty

Published by Wednesday Books
Released on 28 July 2020 (in the US)
ISBN 9781250209955

Read: 14 – 17 July 2020

This is a layered ride, a roller coaster of fun and mystery, but also a story of a girl coming to terms with her own prejudices and selfishness. The literal quest for treasure involving cabbage patch dolls and a snarky ex best friend who dumped our MC for cooler buds back in elementary school, is a reflection of Cassie’s inner quest to reconcile all her different personas – girlfriend of domineering Troy, high achieving honor roll student, judger of anyone not planning to attend college, daughter of Frank and Kathy, not so much life partners now, as dentists and business partners, and girl with no car licence.

Cassie has big plans but getting mononucleosis was not one of them. After four months recovery, she returns to her life, assuming all with be the same: she’ll finally ‘do it’ with Troy, they’ll work together over summer at the America’s Best Cookies franchise at the local Mall, and sail away to New York together for their happy ever after.

Well, actually, no. It’s not hard to predict that everything falls out of her reach. The first few chapters are devastating to read as Cassie sees her whole life disintegrate. McCafferty does an excellent job of making this privileged brainy tunnel-visioned character a person of sympathy. But as we get to know her, we see how many ways she can be a better person. It’s a gambit to make Cassie unlikeable, but by the time we understand her flaws, we’ve also seen her generosity, her stubborn will and her slow realisation of how selfish and condescending she can be. Her attempts to make amends are welcome and that it’s full of laughter and fun, only serves to make it more of a delight to read.

I haven’t mentioned a huge part of the story – it’s set in the ‘90s. So we have the Mall as the main place for bored teenagers, the video arcades, the cinema, the food court. McCafferty recreates the time and place with nostalgic affection, and her characters fit seamlessly into the space. The use of the treasure hunt to send Cassie and Drea all over the Mall to locate clues allows us to meet a bunch of quirky retailers and shops, as well as a potential new romance for Cassie. The musical soundtrack is perfect, of course, as is the pop cultural references (Beverley Hills 90210 anyone?) and the descriptions of fashion and hairstyles.

Despite the inner turmoil and identity crisis Cassie faces, McCafferty keeps it mostly light and witty. It’s so much fun to read. I hope 2020 kids pick it up and love it as much as I do.

Thanks to Netgalley and Wednesday Books for the advanced copy. It’s out in the US on July 28, and I hope Australia will see sometime in the future. Highly recommended who love their teen angst strong and snarky, who love to see their protagonists have to face a cold splash of reality, but who can also admit their failings and work to be better. The boys here a mix (as is true of real life) – some big-hearted and respectful, others not so much! The friendship battles with Drea are good times. Cassie’s parental woes are worked through the plot in a clever way, with the mystery of the treasure hunt solved satisfactorily (sort of).

Review: The Extraordinaries by TJ Klune

The Extraordinaries by TJ Klune

Published by Tor Teen
Released on 14 July 2020
ISBN 9781250203656

Read 8 – 9 July 2020

Klune’s first foray into YA fiction is a bold exuberant celebration of all things queer and geeky. There is a big nod to lots of fun pop cultural elements: fan fiction and superheroes; but as well there is an intense emotional arc that, while swerving a little too close to sentimental, also reflects a strong sense of questioning identity for young people—am I good enough the way I am?

Nick is on a bunch of spectrums. He’s ADHD, a total geek boy, a totally gay geek boy, and the grief from his mother’s death hangs over him like a heavy cloud. His very supportive father is an adorable inclusion into the narrative as a person who tries hard to protect Nick, while giving him freedom, but also demanding more. Because Nick’s inability to filter himself, his reckless, impulsive side is sometimes a bit scary. It’s not that he’s thoughtless. His brain is just wired to ignore consequences and sometimes makes dangerous decisions that should scare most people.

Luckily, Nick is surrounded by loyal and straight-talking friends. Couple Jazz and Gibby tell him when he is taking things too far and follow him down erratic pathways. His best friend Seth has been missing in action over the summer, and now back at school, Nick is struggling to reconnect with this boy who has long been his secret crush (not helped by Nick writing a lot of slightly smutty fan fic about an Extraordinary called Shadow Star). Klune throws us straight into the middle of this complex relationship without giving all the backstory. He also includes Nick’s ex-boyfriend Owen, who is full of himself and incredibly hostile towards Seth. This dynamic is clearly more than what’s happening on page, and unfortunately for us, Nick’s oblivious narrative voice means we are constantly seeking out clues (which admittedly are dropped often), while he remains ignorant of what’s really going on with this pair of frenemies.

Nick puts himself at the centre of everything. This becomes tiresome, but since he is also very self-aware, he is able to keep readers on side, and our sympathy for him usually comes out ahead of our irritation at his antics and selfishness. But this is Klune very cleverly manipulating us and teasing us by incorporating the superhero elements of the story.

Look, I know I am a bit confusing. But that actually is the structure of the book. We are initially baffled by Nick’s obsession with Shadow Star. We can see Seth is right in front of Nick, and yet Nick lives in the clouds looking through a lens that is idealized and somewhat tainted. We keep reading because basically Klune is a very funny, geeky dude who constantly surprises with the jokes and the humanity and the affection he has for his characters.

And then everything starts to click, and the tension ramps up, and suddenly we are in the middle of a very suspenseful scenario and people could die people! So, we read on, worried for everyone, but especially our earnest, impulsive ordinary guy who without powers, takes on a hero’s journey because he must save those he loves, and he does it all with wit and intelligence, and a tiny spark of what the #$*? It’s extraordinary (gah, she had to go there). The resolution is nicely wrapped up, most mysteries are explained, and of course there’s a HEA…

Then, because this is book one, Klune shoves one more twisty dark secret at us, and leaves us with our mouths open, eyes twitching, hearts racing, and our minds ticking. *Shakes fist at the sky* Damn you Klune and your cliff-hangers. But this might just be me. Ha.

Thanks to Netgalley and Tor Teen for advancing this to me oh so long ago before #coronavirus, and through a delay of publication. I hope it all goes well for this book. Recommended for teens who love their protagonists awkward and flawed, but who is all heart. The intense moments are powerful and authentic, and the story dances around a number of genres. It’s a celebration of life and love, and it looks like there will be more. The Extraordinaries finally comes out tomorrow.

Review: If We Were Us by K L Walther

If We Were Us by K L Walther

Published by: Sourcebooks Fire
Released on 1 June 2020
ISBN: 9781728210261

Read on: 5 – 6 May 2020

I really enjoyed this romantic, boarding school story. It was light, and while our dual narrators mostly focus on teenage drama, and somewhat frivolous stuff, for example, dresses for prom, and spending time with friends, there is enough serious material to engage readers on a deeper level.

Sage and Charlie are best friends forever. So much so that almost everyone expects them to wake up and love in love. Both of them know that’s never going to happen – Sage is secretly in love with Charlie’s twin brother Nick, and Charlie is deeply, deeply in the closet. When Luke arrives, there’s a bit of a stir in the group of friends – good looking, personable, popular – which girl will snag him?

The boarding school setting is as you’d expect – elite, preppy and mostly rich kids. There are many characters to indicate the many friends Sage and Charlie have, and how many girlfriends Charlie has, and while they serve the purpose of offering a range of opinions about each other and the entanglements of romantic interludes, they really are just backdrops to our focused four.

Walther doesn’t explain everything either. Readers have to keep up with Sage’s breezy monologues, and Charlie’s intense regime of academic excellence, student leader, sporting commitments and getting together with and then quickly breaking up a string of beautiful peers. He’s quite exhausting, and as the story progresses and we watch the way he struggles with his attraction to Luke, we understand why he maintains so many commitments. Sage’s secret romance with Nick also seems like it’s a hot minute from disaster, and we’re not surprised when everything is turned on its head.

It is so easy to engage with Sage and Charlie. Their loyalty and love for each other is infinite. Even though they think they are keeping secrets from each other, they’re really not. They know each other too well. They are observant and keep a protective eye out. It’s a fascinating bond, and when Sage loses everything to keep Charlie safe, and Charlie realises what Sage has done for him, they are truly insightful moments for these kids, and we sympathise and cheer them on.

Talk on the review sites mention the terrible ways Charlie treats his girlfriends, and subsequently Luke. But Walther does a good job of showing us why he is so fearful about his sexuality. Nick too develops beautifully as a character. He has to come to terms with a lot about both Sage and Charlie, and his forgiveness is everything.

But Luke is the character that stands out for me – brave, resilient, extraordinarily strong. He puts up with a lot from Charlie, and it’s important that he draws a line on the treatment and holds his ground. But since predominantly, this is a romance novel, the grand gestures are predictable, and readers aren’t required to deal with too much angst or darkness.

Thanks to Netgalley and Sourcebooks Fire for the advanced copy. Recommended for readers who like books that focus on romance and friendships more than social issues and commentary. It doesn’t try to be more than it is, however, there’s some thoughtful conflict in there among all the typical high school hi-jinks. It’s funny too, so it doesn’t take itself too seriously. Highly satisfying conclusion. If We Were Us comes out on June first 2020. [Can I just add that watching these kids group hug and engage in absolute no social distancing seems weird in these current circumstances? Wonder if we’ll be given books set in this time in a year or so? Or will it just be a small blot on the year that was 2020? Who knows.]

Review: Unscripted by Nicole Kronzer

Unscripted by Nicole Kronzer

Published by Amulet Books
Released on 21 April 2020
ISBN 9781419740848

Read: 5 – 7 February 2020

This is a timely release in terms of the #metoo movement. Although protagonist Zelda is not sexually abused, there is a lot of misogynistic behaviour which is ignored by others, to the point where Zelda’s self-doubt and second-guessing leads to her keeping secrets and avoiding others while she blames herself for what’s happening to her. Her path from passive sufferer to outspoken survivor is a trip worth going on, not least of all because of its fresh backdrop.

Zelda is a wannabe comedian. She’s been invited to be part of a highly sought-after improvisation camp, where young people from all over the US congregate to learn from professional comedy writers. Zelda is joined by her brother Will, his (recently declared) boyfriend Jonas, and meets other girls, self-named The Gildas, Sirena, (who loves) Emily, Hannah and Paloma. It is these friends who make it possible for Zelda to finally open up and confess her treatment by the objectively gorgeous, but aggressively narcissistic Ben.

The story takes place over the two-week period of improv camp. Zelda is excited to be chosen as one of the varsity team (Ben’s ‘top’ group of course), but as time passes, and the boys, most especially mentor and leader Ben treat her in vile and underhanded ways, she starts to wonder whether she is talented at all, or if she is only picked because they need a girl (to play all the undesired parts, such as the dead prostitute, the nagging girlfriend, and so on). She is not given any platform to perform her own material, nor is she allowed to criticise the teams’ choices of her roles. It’s pretty terrible to watch, particularly when, in private, Ben shows a different side, one which is focused in on Zelda as a potential sexual conquest.

Zelda’s innocence explains why she puts up with this treatment for as long as she does. Ben is gorgeous and can be charming, so it’s fortunate Zelda is also introduced to another group of boys from the neighbouring Scout camp – Jesse, Murph and Ricky—who show her the ways boys can and should behave. At all times, these young men are thoughtful, careful, and responsible. Jesse is also attracted to Zelda, and his manner is respectful and compassionate. She spends as much time with him, walking trails, helping the younger scouts, as she does with Ben, and the disparity in attitude could not have been more extreme.

As well as the romantic plot line, the comedy thread is interesting, and it seems clear the author has a lot of insight into this world. There are many stories of the way female comedians have struggled to break into the industry. Misogyny apparently begins early when people are just starting out. The camp managers themselves display appalling judgement when confronted with Zelda’s claims of mistreatment, and this is familiar to those of us who have watched the way society and the media have vilified some victims of organisations like the Church or individuals like Harvey Weinstein.

By the time we observe Zelda’s exposure of Ben, her triumphant performance on stage, and honest discussions about being attracted to Jesse, we have seen how much she has been put through, and how much she persisted, and we cheer her on with applause and laughter.

Thanks to Netgalley and Amulet books for the advanced copy. It’s out in the US on April 21st and here in Australia in June. Check release dates for other countries. Highly recommended for anyone looking for a thoughtful yet fun exploration of the way girls can be marginalized and made to conform to expectations. Zelda often reflects on the other Gildas, aware of how much harder it might be for them – as black women (Sirena and Paloma), as lesbians (Sirena and Emily) and as an albino woman (Hannah). It’s a small but significant conscious acknowledgement of one’s own privilege. As just mentioned, there is great diversity and inclusivity, and honest discussions about sex and trust. I found it an extremely engaging and welcome narrative, as well as a lovely romance.

Review: Yes No Maybe So by Becky Albertalli & Aisha Saeed

Yes No Maybe So by Becky Albertalli and Aisha Saeed

Published by Simon & Schuster
Released on 4 February 2020
ISBN: 9781471184666

Read: 24 – 25 December 2019

Yes No Maybe So is a thoughtful novel that encompasses a broad range of topical issues, wrapping them in a deliciously cute romance that will appeal to fans of Simon versus the Homo Sapien Agenda, which let’s face it, is practically every living teen on the planet right now. Albertalli’s novels reflect the concerns and celebrate the inclusiveness of this generation, and Aisha Saeed’s contribution to this one will ensure it continues.

Basic plot is simple, but effective. Socially awkward, Jewish white boy, Jamie fears public speaking which is does not bode well for his dream of becoming a politician. Maya, an American-Pakistani Muslim girl, finding herself at a loose end for the summer, for a variety of awful reasons, is encouraged (more like blackmailed) into canvassing for Jordan Rossum, the democratic candidate for her local district election. Her reward at the end? A car. Jamie and Maya were best friends at childcare, over 10 years ago, and when their mothers reconnect and push them together, only one really is keen – Jamie. Maya is on board for the car. Not that she tells Jamie that. Unfortunately.

Slowly, over the summer, they begin to share their fears, but not only that, as Rossum’s campaign gathers momentum, their optimism grows that they might be contributing to a brighter future. They also develop feelings for each other as they reconnect and support each other through family and friendship breakdowns. As you would imagine, they both make terrible mistakes towards the end, hurting each other. But of course, we know once they sit down, hash it out, and actually take some risks, everything will be okay.

Look, it’s adorable.

But more than, it’s a call to arms. Albertalli and Saeed break down American’s political system into digestible chunks that will inform and entertain young readers. Other countries don’t have the exact systems of the US, however, connections can be made and parallels drawn, so that readers can see how corruption and power make it almost impossible for marginalized groups to be heard. The authors are having none of that. They make it clear that individuals can all do his or her (or their) bit to defeat racists, bullies, homophobes, or whoever else stomps on the rights of others. It’s inspiring stuff, and it never sounds preachy. The two main characters always feel like teenagers—awkward, powerless, and prone to impulsive acts and words—so their insights and observations feel true. They genuinely realise that helping local communities, uniting under a common belief despite differences, and working towards a single purpose is uplifting and exciting.

There are many complications that aren’t even touched on here. Messy family situations, the role of the media and the lasting impacts of social media, the additions of terrific animals, and the eventual realization of strong feelings make Yes No Maybe So an engaging and triumphant reading experience. I have no doubt any teenager will love its message and the way the message is delivered.

Thanks to Netgalley and Simon & Schuster for advanced copy. I believe it’s out everywhere on February 4th. Highly recommended for contemporary book lovers, who enjoy well developed characters bumbling around trying to be their best selves. Who love inclusive stories that don’t shy away from tackling big subjects, but in a readable manner that isn’t heavy handed. I found it really hopeful and loved the way it presented options for teenagers who might be feeling overwhelmed by the constant barrage of negativity offered by mainstream media outlets.

Ten Books One Decade

Putting myself out there to share my highlights of a decade of reading #loveozya novels. These were originally posts on my Instagram and Litsy feeds from Dec 28 to Jan 6.



I cannot remember 2010. I was working in a secondary boys’ library and had already been there for 4 years. Enough to feel comfortable. I remember @childrensbookdaily had talked me into returning to uni to complete a Masters of Ed. ‘We need to update our degrees’. Sigh. I only got through one semester because I knew taking on the role of Qld Judge for the #cbcaawards would mean I would be reading (and not much else). I read over 400 books that year, and nearly as many the following.

Melina Marchetta’s return to the world of Francesca and her buddies completely bowled me over—emotional nuance, messy family, and the story of Tom. Shockingly real. I could have picked Marchetta for about four of my years, so it’s only right she’s my first pick of the decade.


While The Piper’s Son didn’t win OR category, my pick for 2011 did. It would be remiss of me not to select at least one Scot Gardner book. His writing over the last 15 years reflect much of the change in YA trends. His male protagonists are often lost (literally), certainly flawed, but always deserve the opportunities to put their lives in order. I especially appreciate that romantic love isn’t a major concern and that friendship, identity and family are strong and welcome features of Gardner’s themes.

The Dead I Know features Aaron, a young man looking for a role model, searching for answers, and the simmering thread of violence is always lurking, ready to pull him into a darker world. Luckily his apprenticeship with John gives him the sense of security and stability he needs. Big shout out to Sparrow (2017) and Changing Gear (2018), which both challenge toxic masculinity norms.


My oldest son slacked his way through Year 12, and I spent the year carting him to gymnastic training and events, choral and orchestra rehearsals and performances, and I took a deep breath after judging for two years, stepping down from reading over 80 #loveozya novels to only 29. Jaclyn Moriarty released a fantasy novel that started the quirky, original warm-hearted series, The Colours of Madeleine which I completely embraced.

Her two lovely main characters, Elliot and Madeleine, swapping letters through a tear between their two worlds, show feisty tenacity, kindness and courage. They are clever novels seemingly light and witty, but that are actually and ultimately multi-layered and terrifically insightful. Her work continues to speak to ordinary people with extraordinary imaginations and startling inner lives. I love everything she writes.


Confession Time: I didn’t read The First Third until 2017. After I read The Sidekicks. After I had conversed with Will. After I left my boys’ school library, where I had pitched it and promoted it. All I can say to 2013 me is what the hell? I didn’t miss the hype. I watched it receive both critical and popular acclaim. All my peers lauded it and the kids loved it and when I finally read it, I accepted its greatness. The First Third is a perfect blend of humour and emotion. Will treats his audience with respect, and he does not pander or preach.  Will is a person of many opinions and a marketing acumen I envy. His stories are authentic, his style is his own, and I can’t wait to see what else he has for us.

Special mention to my other favs: Wildlife by Fiona Wood, Life in Outer Space by Melissa Keil and Girl Defective by Simmone Howell.


II went back to study part-time in 2014. My younger son completed Year 12 at the same school as me, both pressures making it a difficult time. Probably the reason why I only read about 24 #loveozya novels. Having said that, I actually predicted 5 of the 6 OR shortlisted books that year (#humblebrag), so there’s that.

The Protected explores grief in exquisite and infinite sharpness. Hannah’s pain is raw and real. Conversing with her dead sister Katie creates unbearable connection. Her parents’ absence is understandable, yet also unforgivable, and it’s astonishing the relief we feel when Hannah starts talking to Anna. Josh’s appearance brings much needed sunshine to what is in essence of story about confronting death and accepting loss. Claire Zorn is an assured, master storyteller. I hope we don’t lose her entirely to the picture book genre.

Other favourites of 2014 include Intruder by Christine Bongers, Are you Seeing Me? by Darren Groth and Tigerfish by David Metzenthen.


This was my most difficult year professionally. I found myself without a job in August, just in time to sort my youngest son into Calvary basic training a week before his 18th birthday. That and study kept me from despair and trauma. Finding a new job after turning 50 seemed an impossible dream. I only read 18 #loveozya novels, but the highlight was Fiona’s third book in the aptly named Six Impossiverse trilogy, Cloudwish. There was something elusive and mercurial about Van Uoc’s inner voice, such a contrast to her external presentation – wild versus compliant, risky versus accepting, bold versus quiet. She’s a rare find.

Just as important as Fiona’s writing skills, is the fierce support she offers other Australian authors and to the YA community at large through her thoughtful examinations of books and trends. She promotes diversity and inclusivity, and I have gained insights every time I hear her speak.

Other notable mentions of 2015 for me are A Single Stone by Meg McKinlay, The Flywheel by Erin Gough and Lili Wilkinson’s Green Valentine.


I found validation and purpose this year when Pauline from Riverbend Books asked me to read for RSO. I will be ever grateful for her confidence in me. I continue to read for this amazing service – I mean come on; someone asks me to read YA! #luckyandgrateful I also completed my MEd (Knowledge Networks and Digital Innnovations) while I started the process of becoming a supply/relief teacher.

This was a tough year to pick from the 36 novels I read. Three high quality stories, all exploring grief over the unexpected tragic loss of a loved one, could easily have been the one, but two authors have already had other books highlighted (demonstrating their mastery), but on top of that, Cath Crowley’s Words in Deep Blue also focused on books! And bookshops! And the power of words! And included swoony Henry! So, winner. I love this book so much.

The other two excellent #loveozya novels for me in 2016 are One Would think the Deep by Claire Zorn and The Sidekicks by Will Kostakis.


If I thought 2016 was a difficult year to pick a best book, 2017 has been even harder. I read 45 #loveozya books through my ongoing association with RSO and was able to spend significant time looking after other people’s lovely libraries. This made me realise that being able to share my love of teen novels was still something I wanted to do. But I was also asked to speak at several network meetings, PD events, and I started to believe that I would be able to fill my time valuable by helping other library staff. I started applying more seriously for full time work, but also started to formulate a possible plan b. And was less stressed, less anxious.

But back to the wonderful books of 2017. How do I pick between some of the amazing books that were released this year? I could easily select any one of ten books, and if you want to see them all, go here. I made a ridiculous number of lists, two specifically related to Australian YA.

The book I ultimately chose, Because of You by Pip Harry rates highly for a number of reasons. I am going to go back one of many ravs about this book to try to explain… Harry’s inclusive and diverse cast of minor characters carries a subtle message about stereotyping and judging others. The tone is warm and gentle, but the subject matter is harsh and uncomfortable. However, readers aren’t made to feel pity or guilt. Instead they are inspired by the way individuals rise to the challenge to help others… It’s an astonishingly powerful story.


In a year of Lenny (Book of Everything), Merrick (Changing Gear), and Ana and Jono (from Between Us), it is the protagonist of The Learning Curves of Vanessa Partridge who stays with me most of all. I apparently read 49 #loveozya novels this year, helped by me judging the Young Adult category of the Qld Premier’s Literary Awards. Vanessa’s intellectual curiosity about her sexuality and her navigation through unwanted advances was a highlight. The novel also covered environmental issues, parental mental health, and authentic friendships. I loved every complicated, messy thing about it!

This year I returned to a library on a part time basis. It was a perfect re-introduction back to school, and I settled into a rhythm of juggling a number of roles—I haven’t really mentioned my active involvement in CBCA Qld, and this year, I took on President of the Branch, in a year where we hosted the Shortlist and Winner announcement functions. I really fluked it in, because Jenny Stubbs’s team did the work, and I got to be the front line of the credit taking. Seriously, Qld achieves way beyond its means in these spaces. Such a great year!!


This was a tough year – health issues, death of my dad, and returning to work full time meant I was often stressed. However, some new good things happened too – Rhianna Patrick (@ABCRhi) invited me to be a regular on her radio book chat panel and that has been such good fun. Another year as Qld Branch president, a trip to Canberra for the National CBCA conference and judging the Qld Lit Awards kept me involved in kids’ lit while school encouraged me to learn more about coding and programing (eek). There were fewer YA novels released, but more MG, and I have many opinions about that.

This is How We Change the Ending represents Vikki Wakefield’s contribution to YA this decade. Starting with her debut novel. All I Ever Wanted in 2011, all five novels reflect a genuine representation of Australian teens—their desires, their fears, and their triumphs. Her latest sub-verts our expectations and challenges us all to listen to the teens in our lives and support them to find their best selves.

I also completed loved It Sounded Better in My Head by Nina Kenwood.  

So farewell to the short-sighted twenty-teens. May we all save the planet in the twenty-twentys!

Review: Sick Kids in Love by Hannah Moskowitz

Sick Kids in Love by Hannah Moskowitz

Published by Entangled: Teen
Released: November 5 2019
ISBN: 9781640637320

Read: October 14 – 15 2019

I have been reading Hannah Moskowitz’s quirky yet entirely authentic novels since her debut Break, in 2010. To see that she is now with a publisher who can give her more exposure is terrific. She writes beautifully with both humour and insight, and I hope loads of people read this, and then go back and find her other, shall we say, less conventional but more challenging, novels.

Sick Kids in Love will probably pick up The Fault in Our Stars and Five Feet Apart readers. I read a review that said exactly that. And it does fit into that trope. Both Ingrid and Sasha suffer from chronic pain, and their lives are to some extent, bound by their condition. Their very different family lives also play a role in how much their diagnoses control them, but at its heart, it’s a story about risk.

We see a lot about chance. Isabel often muses on the coincidence of meeting Sasha. She also thinks about destiny and fate, and of course, about the way her mother chose to leave rather than stay for the long haul. Ingrid’s father, a doctor, might seem to be the ideal parent for a child who suffers from Rheumatoid Arthritis, but in fact he has developed into a medical administrator who is in denial about how much Hannah needs in terms of support and acknowledgement, and a confrontation between them is inevitable.

Sasha, in comparison, seems to be surrounded by love and support. But lately his father, seeing a new woman, is leaving Sasha to care for his younger siblings more and more. Sasha remembers how much his parents were around and present for him, and he is dismayed that his younger brothers and sisters are not getting that same attention. So, both Isabel and Sasha dealing with parental issues, builds and develop a stronger connection.

Of course, it is attraction that initially brings them together. Meeting at an infusion clinic, their flirting is adorable, funny and real. Having decided a long time ago that a romantic relationship is not for her, Isabel is in real trouble when their second chance encounter turns into a thing. But her healthy friends sometimes make her feel less, and connecting with Sasha who knows what it’s like to have limitations, appeals to her lonely self. Their honest discussions about having an ‘invisible’ illness are a strong element of the book, however, of course, they do keep a few secrets, so that eventually there is miscommunication and conflict before it is all resolved with a high degree of satisfaction.

I loved this book a lot because all the characters are depicted with flaws, they make many mistakes but always try to do better. The adults are just as important as the teen characters, and the story has layers of complications that never seem unrealistic (although one particular coincidence was a niggle for me). Thanks to Entangled Teen and Netgalley for the advanced copy. It appears that it will be available in Australia this month as well, and I am going to seek it out for my library. My older students will love it. Recommended for readers who look for in-depth narratives with several issues all vying for attention, and who appreciate a mature relationship that develops between the romantic leads. It is not exploitative or graphic, instead offering a loving and accepting depiction. Sick Kids in Love will be out on November 5.